The International Neurointerventional Surgery (NIS) program at the University of Iowa was established in 2015. The program is supported by philanthropy, industry grants, and donations.
Our main goals include:
- Expand Neurointerventional care in Iowa and outside the US.
- Education for local and international physicians in NIS.
- Treat underserved population.
- International collaboration in stroke and hemorrhagic disease research.

Patients waiting for their surgeries for a long time due to lack of resources.
Complex cases: vessel bulges (aneurysms), abnormal tangles (Arteriovenous malformations) or abnormal connections between arteries and veins (fistula).
- Close coordination with local physicians for patients' selection and management.
- Visit public hospitals in developing countries.
- 3-4 day long trips.
- 2015-2019: 5 trips, 3 hospitals, treated 50 patients.

- UIHC doctors perform the surgeries with the local doctors and teach them through the procedures.
- Detailed explanations of the disease and the technique used during the procedure to all the attendees. (resident physicians, neurosurgeons and neurologists)
Lectures and hands-on workshops in local hospitals.
Presentations at National/International cerebrovascular disease conferences.
International Rotations
- Residents, fellows, and young attendings from outside of the U.S.
- 1 month rotation.
- Witness state-of-the-art stroke care by NIS specialists.
- Engagement in educational activities & grand rounds at UIHC.
- International Visitors: 6 (2018-2023).

Beneficiary: Arteriovenus Malformation Case

If interested in donating please contact us at meghann.litton@foriowa.org. Thank you for your time!